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Money and time: FAQ

Frequently asked questions about money and time.

Why is it important to learn about telling time and money?

These are skills that we use in our everyday lives. Being able to count money accurately is important so that we can buy things, make change, and save up for what we want. Knowing how to tell time allows us to keep track of our day, plan ahead, and manage our time effectively.

What are the different US coins and what are they worth?

There are four main US coins: the penny, the nickel, the dime, and the quarter.
Coin namePictureValue

What are the different US dollars and what are they worth?

There are four main US dollars: the one dollar bill, the five dollar bill, the ten dollar bill, and the twenty dollar bill.
Dollar namePictureValue
One dollar bill
Five dollar bill
Ten dollar bill
Twenty dollar bill

How can number lines help tell time?

If we unroll a clock, it becomes a number line! We can set up a number line to represent minutes in an hour. We can use a number line to visually represent the passage of time. For example, we might draw a number line with the numbers 0?60 to represent the minutes in an hour. We could use this to help us understand how many minutes have passed, or how many minutes are left in the hour.
A number line labeled from 0 to 60 with tick marks every 1 unit on the bottom. Tick marks are labeled every 10. On top, the number line is labeled 6:00 above the 0 and 7:00 above 60. There is a blue line from 0, or 6:00, to 15 or 6:15.

How do I read a clock?

First, we need to look at the hour hand. The hour hand is between 1 and 2, so it is after 1 o'clock but not yet 2 o'clock.
A clock with every hour labeled and tick marks every 1 minute. The short hand is between the 1 and 2. A line extends through the short hand to further show that the short hand is between the 1 and 2. The long hand is on the second tick mark after the 6.
So, the hour is 1. Next, we look at the minute hand.
The minute hand starts pointing straight up for 0 minutes.
When counting minutes, the distance between each tick mark represents 1 minute.
A clock with every hour labeled showing both hands on the 12. The minutes are labeled every 5 minutes around the outside of the clock as follows: 0 minutes is at the 12, 5 minutes is at the 1, 10 minutes is at the 2, 15 minutes is at the 3, 20 minutes is at the 4, 25 minutes is at the 5, 30 minutes is at the 6, 35 minutes is at the 7, 40 minutes is at the 8, 45 minutes is at the 9, 50 minutes is at the 10, and 55 minutes is at the 11.
Each number on the clock represents 5 minutes, with a total of 60 minutes in each hour.

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