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Dot and cross product comparison/intuition

Dot and Cross Product Comparison/Intuition. Created by Sal Khan.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user prashanth.jayashree
    Its difficult to imagine how useful the Dot and Cross products are in real world applications. Some examples would shed a lot of light
    (35 votes)
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    • orange juice squid orange style avatar for user RKHirst
      First, anything with forces/vectors in different directions can use the dot product. The physics video /video/the-dot-product? uses an example where you pull an object along the ground. How much work do you do?
      Work = (Force)?(Distance).

      Secondly, if you normalize the vectors, then |a| and |b| are both 1, and the dot product |a||b|cos¦È is now just cos¦È. This is useful any time you want the angle between two vectors.

      For example: computers multiply and add much faster than they do trig functions, so dot and cross products are used all the time in 3D appplications. To a video game engine, the player 'camera' is a vector. When you walk around, the orientation of objects in relation to one another, and to you, are computed by a series of dot and cross products.

      Cross products? Those too! Say light hits a surface. Is the light reflected to you? Can you see through the surface, or is the angle too steep? You want to know what direction the surface is facing. You want the vector orthogonal to the surface: the one sticking out into the world: You need its normal, i.e. the cross product.

      Generalize inner products are only necessary when your problem requires a more abstract tool. The dot product is defined. That definition holds; so its definition is absolutely rigorous. You need only secure those properties you require.

      One example in the direction crabhand is hinting, is signal processing. Say you break apart a signal into an arbitrary number of streams. If you want each stream to carry data which does NOT already exist in any of the others, you might call this property, 'Orthogonality.' You could say the streams are mutually orthogonal (all of 'em!). The metaphor sounds nice, but it's just a story. To make it mathematically valid, we must define these ideas in a way that can be carried into mathematics. In general, it may or may not be possible to obtain the desired analogy. In this particular case, it can be done.
      Does that help at all?

      (Also, Linear Algebra is abstract mathematics. The physics videos have concrete examples of vector products)
      (168 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user rahulbajra20
    if both dot and cross product of a vector is zero(0) does it imply that one of these vectors must be null vectors?
    (8 votes)
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    • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user Cody Max Eisenhardt
      Note that the null vector is the only vector with a magnitude of 0
      The dot product of vectors a and b is defined as:
      a.b = |a||b|cos(p)
      The cross product magnitude of vectors a and b is defined as:
      |a x b| = |a||b|sin(p)
      Where |a| and |b| are the magnitudes of the vector and p is the angle between the vectors.
      The dot product can be 0 if:
      The magnitude of a is 0
      The magnitude of b is 0
      The cosine of the angle between the vectors is 0, cos(p)
      The magnitude of the cross product can be zero if:
      The magnitude of a is 0
      The magnitude of b is 0
      The sine of the angle between the vectors is 0, sin(p)

      In order for the dot and cross product magnitude to both be zero, the two angle related requirements cannot both be valid!
      If the dot product requirement for a dot product of 0 is true:
      The cosine of the angle between the vectors is 0, cos(p)
      Then the cross product requirement for a magnitude of 0:
      The sine of the angle between the vectors is 0, sin(p)
      cannot be true, because sin and cos are not equivalent functions.
      Therefore, if a dot and cross product are both equal to 0 for the same vectors a and b, then either a or b (or both) must be a null vector.
      (30 votes)
  • leaf blue style avatar for user Aditya
    Can I use cross product of two vectors to figure out angle between them ?
    I know cross product will give us a vector but that doesn't matter ( If I'm right ). The magnitude of the cross product will give the measure of the angle and direction will signify that relative to which side we are defining the angle.
    If I'm wrong, then sorry in advance !
    (6 votes)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user Lucas Van Meter
      Yes! Let v and w be vectors in R^3 and let theta be the angle between them, The exact formula you are looking for is |v x w| = |v| |w| Sin(theta). This should remind you of the dot product formula which has |v . w| = |v| |w| Cos(theta). Either one can be used to find the angle between two vectors in R^3, but usually the dot product is easier to compute. If you are not in 3-dimensions then the dot product is the only way to find the angle. A common application is that two vectors are orthogonal if their dot product is zero and two vectors are parallel if their cross product is zero.
      (9 votes)
  • leaf green style avatar for user Darren Lipman
    When handling the area of a parallelogram with the cross product, do units become arbitrary? Obviously, the magnitude (length) of a vector is a one-dimensional unit, whereas area is measured as a two-dimensional unit.

    Furthermore, when dealing with vectors outside of R^3, does the same analogy still hold, or does the cross product simply not exist in those cases?
    (9 votes)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user Andrew
      Yes units are always arbitrary. Generally in most of your math classes, even advanced classes, dimensional analysis are even mentioned. It's up to you to decide if your working with a micro meter or a mile. As for the second question, the cross product is not defined for spaces greater than R3. But the operation is still used in finding a determinate of a matrix which can be far greater that R3. Just augment the matrix and treat is as as many 2x2 matrices as are needed. You can find examples in just about any Linear Algebra book.
      (3 votes)
  • leaf green style avatar for user arjun shankar
    can someone tell me why we cant find cross product between two parallel vectors? why is it zero?
    i mean if there are two lines parallel in xy plane........ we can get a perpendicular to both of the lines................. which will be along z axis..
    then why cross product between two parellel lines is zero?
    (3 votes)
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    • purple pi pink style avatar for user ZeroFK
      The simple answer is: because the angle between them is zero. That means the sine of that angle is zero, and therefore the product of ||a|| ||b|| sin(<ab) is zero (here I use "<ab" to mean "the angle between vectors a and b).

      You are right that there is a vector along the z axis which is perpendicular to both - and that is exactly what the cross product is: it's that vector perpendicular to both a and b. But the length of that vector is defined by the formula ||a|| ||b|| sin(<ab), and that length is zero. So yes, there is such a vector, but its length is zero.
      (8 votes)
  • mr pink red style avatar for user Andrew Dabson
    at and earlier, could we have constructed the triangle to have the right angle at the tip of a? ..and would this have any other effect besides flipping the projection from a¡úb to b¡úa?
    (4 votes)
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    • leafers tree style avatar for user Elizabeth Hernandez
      "a¡¤b" and "b¡¤a" yield the same result, so switching the vectors is fine as long as you evaluate them consistently.

      For simplicity, I would call the shorter vector "a" so I'm doing most of my work with smaller values. Sal was also unclear on what happens when the projection of "a" is shorter than the length of "b." I doubt it would be an issue but am having trouble visualizing the "area" in that situation.
      (2 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user aliciagohsy
    I understand that the dot product gives you an indicator of our similar the two vectors are in direction. But not the part when it is explained by |b| adj. can someone explain what that product means intuitively?
    (3 votes)
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    • spunky sam blue style avatar for user Ethan Dlugie
      To find how much the vectors go together, we multiply their parallel parts together. By dropping a perpendicular line from a, Sal forms a right triangle. The adjacent side of the right triangle is how much of a goes parallel with b. So, we can say that the dot product is the product of b with that adjacent side of the right triangle made from a.
      (3 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user 550895
    Seeing that one is proportional to sine and the other to cosine made me think of derivatives. Would it be correct to say that the derivative of a function that outputs the cross product of 2 constant vectors when the angle between them varies is the dot product of the same thing?
    (2 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
    • leaf green style avatar for user kubleeka
      Close. The derivative of a function that outputs the magnitude of the cross product of two vectors of fixed magnitude is the same function that returns their dot product.

      We need the function to give the magnitude, because the derivative of a vector-valued function is another vector-valued function.
      (4 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user shiyazahammed
    When to use Dot product and Cross Product and how can we multiply ( -6i+8k ) X ( 8j + 6k ) / | -6i+8k | | 8j + 6k | . Note vector symbol is on top on every i,j,k multiples
    (3 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
    • blobby green style avatar for user ?
      You might be able to get the zero vector that is orthogonal to all vectors and parallel to all. But the magnitude of the cross product uses sine of theta. Because the sine of zero is zero. And zero times anything is zero.
      (2 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user germc88
    Hi, I have a question I hope someone can help me with.
    Take any arbitrary vector like A = ( 2i + 2j +2k), if I was to dot that with just ' i ', would I change ' i ' into a vector ( i + 0j + 0k) and dot that with A or should all the componants of ' A ' be dotted with ' i ' to get something like ( 2i.i + 2j.i + 2k.i) ? Or what should be done? Please and thank you
    (2 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user

Video transcript

We've known for several videos now that the dot product of two nonzero vectors, a and b, is equal to the length of vector a times the length of vector b times the cosine of the angle between them. Let me draw a and b just to make it clear. If that's my vector a and that's my vector b right there, the angle between them is this angle. And we defined it in this way. And actually, if you ever want to solve-- if you have two vectors and you want to solve for that angle, and I've never done this before explicitly. And I thought, well, I might as well do it right now. You could just solve for your theta. So it would be a dot b divided by the lengths of your two vectors multiplied by each other is equal to the cosine of theta. And then to solve for theta you would have to take the inverse cosine of both sides, or the arc cosine of both sides, and you would get theta is equal to arc cosine of a dot b over the magnitudes or the lengths of the products of, or the lengths of each of those vectors, multiplied by each other. So if I give you two arbitrary vectors-- and the neat thing about it is, this might be pretty straightforward. If I just drew something in two dimensions right here, you could just take your protractor out and measure this angle. But if a and b each have a hundred components, it becomes hard to visualize the idea of an angle between the two vectors. But you don't need to visualize them anymore because you just have to calculate this thing right here. You just have to calculate this value right there. And then go to your calculator and then type in arc cosine, or the inverse cosine that are the equivalent functions, and it'll give you an angle. And that, by definition, is the angle between those two vectors, which is a very neat concept. And then you can start addressing issues of perpendicularity and whatever else. This was a bit of a tangent. But the other outcome that I painstakingly proved to you in the previous video was that the length of the cross product of two vectors is equal to-- it's a very similar expression. It's equal to the product of the two vectors' lengths, so the length of a times the length of b times the sine of the angle between them. Times the sign of the angle between them. So it's the same angle. So what I want to do is take these two ideas and this was a bit of a diversion there just to kind of show you how to solve for theta because I realized I've never done that for you before. But what I want to do is I want to take this expression up here and this expression up here and see if we can develop an intuition, at least in R3 because right now we've only defined our cross product. Or the cross product of two vectors is only defined in R3. Let's take these two ideas in R3 and see if we can develop an intuition. And I've done a very similar video in the physics playlist where I compare the dot product to the cross product. Now, if I'm talking about-- let me redraw my vectors. So the length of a-- so let me draw a. b, I want to do it bigger than that. So let me do it like that. So that is my vector b. So this is b. That is a. What is the length of a times the length of b times the cosine of the angle? So let me do that right there. So this is the angle. So the length of a if I were to draw these vectors is this length right here. This is the length of a. It's this distance right here, the way I've drawn this vector. So this is, literally, the length of vector a. And I'm doing it in R3 or maybe a version of it that I can fit onto my little blackboard right here. So it'll just be the length of this line right there. And then the length of b is the length of that line right there. So that is the length of b. Let me rewrite this thing up here. Let me write it as b, the length of b times the length-- and I want to be careful. I don't want to do the dot there because you'll think it's a dot product. Times a cosine of theta. All I did is I rearranged this thing here. It's the same thing as a dot b. Well what is a times the cosine of theta? Let's get out our basic trigonometry tools-- SOH CAH TOA. Cosine of theta is equal to adjacent over hypotenuse. So if I drop, if I create a right triangle here, and let me introduce some new colors just to ease the monotony. If I drop a right triangle right here and I create a right triangle right there, and this is theta, than what is the cosine of theta? It's equal to this. Let me do it another color. It's equal to this, the adjacent side. It's equal to this little magenta thing. Not all of b, just this part that goes up to my right angle. That's my adjacent. I want to do it a little bit bigger. It's equal to the adjacent side over the hypotenuse. So let me write this down. So cosine of theta is equal to this little adjacent side. I'm just going to write it like that. Is equal to this adjacent side over the hypotenuse. But what is the hypotenuse? It is the length of vector a. It's this. That's my hypotenuse right there. So my hypotenuse is the length of vector a. And so if I multiply both sides by the length of vector a I get the length of vector a times the cosine of theta is equal to the adjacent side. I'll do that in magenta. So this expression right here, which was just a dot b can be rewritten as-- I just told you that the length of vector a times cosine of theta is equal to this little magenta adjacent side. So this is equal to the adjacent side. So you can view a dot b as being equal to the length of vector b-- that length-- times that adjacent side. And you're saying, Sal, what does that do for me? Well what it tells you is you're multiplying essentially, the length of vector b times the amount of vector a that's going in the same direction as vector b. You can kind of view this as the shadow of vector a. And I'll talk about projections in the future. And I'll more formally define them, but if the word projection helps you, just think of that word. If you have a light that shines down from above, this adjacent side is kind of like the shadow of a onto vector b. And you can imagine, if these two vectors-- if our two vectors looked more like this, if they were really going in the same direction. Let's say that's vector a and that's vector b, then the adjacent side that I care about is going to-- they're going to have a lot more in common. The part of a that is going in the same direction of b will be a lot larger. So this will have a larger dot product. Because the dot product is essentially saying, how much of those vectors are going in the same direction? But it's just a number, so it will just be this adjacent side times the length of b. And what if I had vectors that are pretty perpendicular to each other? So what if I had two vectors that were like this? What if my vector a looked like that and my vector b looked like that? Well now the adjacent, the way I define it here, if I had to make a right triangle like that, the adjacent side's very small. So you're dot product, even though a is still a reasonably large vector, is now much smaller because a and b have very little commonality in the same direction. And you can do it the other way. You could draw this down like that and you could do the adjacent the other way, but it doesn't matter because these a's and b's are arbitrary. So the take away is the fact that a dot b is equal to the lengths of each of those times the cosine of theta. To me it says that the dot product tells me how much are my vectors moving together? Or the product of the part of the vectors that are moving together. Product of the lengths of the vectors that are moving together or in the same direction. You could view this adjacent side here as the part of a that's going in the direction of b. That's the part of a that's going in the direction of b. So you're multiplying that times b itself. So that's what the dot product is. How much are two things going in the same direction. And notice, when two things are orthogonal or when they're perpendicular-- when a dot b is equal to 0, we say they're perpendicular. And that makes complete sense based on this kind of intuition of what the dot product is doing. Because that means that they're perfectly perpendicular. So that's b and that's a. And so the adjacent part of a, if I had to draw a right trianlge, it would come straight down. And if I were to say the projection of a and I haven't draw that. Or if I put a light shining down from above and I'd say what's the shadow of a onto b? You'd get nothing. You'd get 0. This arrow has no width, even though I've drawn it to have some width. It has no width. So you would have a 0 down here. The part of a that goes in the same direction as b. No part of this vector goes in the same direction as this vector. So you're going to have this 0 kind of adjacent side times b, so you're going to get something that's 0. So hopefully that makes a little sense. Now let's think about the cross product. The cross product tells us well, the length of a cross b, I painstakingly showed, you is equal to the length of a times the length of b times the sin of the angle between them. So let me do the same example. Let me draw my two vectors. That's my vector a and this is my vector b. And now sin-- SOH CAH TOA. So sin of theta, let me write that. Sin of theta-- SOH CAH TOA-- is equal to opposite over the hypotenuse. So if I were to draw a little right triangle here, so if I were to draw a perpendicular right there, this is theta. What is the sin of theta equal to in this context? The sin of theta is equal to what? It's equal to this side over here. Let me call that just the opposite. It's equal to the opposite side over the hypotenuse. So the hypotenuse is the length of this vector a right there. It's the length of this vector a. So the hypotenuse is the length over my vector a. So if I multiply both sides of this by my length of vector a, I get the length of vector a times the sin of theta is equal to the opposite side. So if we rearrange this a little bit, I can rewrite this as equal to-- I'm just going to swap them. I have to do the dot product as well. This is equal to b, the length of vector b, times the length of vector a sin of theta. Well this thing is just the opposite side as I've defined it right here. So this right here is just the opposite side, this side right there. So when we're taking the cross product, we're essentially multiplying the length of vector b times the part of a that's going perpendicular to b. This opposite side is the part of a that's going perpendicular to b. So they're kind of opposite ideas. The dot product, you're multiplying the part of a that's going in the same direction as b with b. While when you're taking the cross product, you're multiplying the part of a that's going in the perpendicular direction to b with the length of b. It's a measure, especially when you take the length of this, it's a measure of how perpendicular these two guys are. And this is, it's a measure of how much do they move in the same direction? And let's just look at a couple of examples. So if you take two right triangles. So if that's a and that's-- or if you take two vectors that are perpendicular to each other, the length of a cross b is going to be equal to-- if we just use this formula right there-- the length of a times the length of b. And what's the sin of 90 degrees? It's 1. So in this case you kind of have maximized the length of your cross product. This is as high as it can go. Because sin of theta, it's a maximum value. Sin of theta is always less than or equal to 1. So this is as good as you're ever going to get. This is the highest possible value when you have perfectly perpendicular vectors. Now, when is-- actually, just to kind of go back to make the same point here. When do you get the maximum value for your cosine of-- for your dot product? Well, it's when your two vectors are collinear. If my vector a looks like that and my vector b is essentially another vector that's going in the same direction, then theta is 0. There's no angle between them. And then you have a dot b is equal to the magnitude or the length of vector a times the length of vector b times the cosine of the angle between them. The cosine of the angle between them, the cosine of that angle is 0. Or the angle is 0, so the cosine of that is 1. So when you have two vectors that go exactly in the same direction or they're collinear, you kind of maximize your dot product. You maximize your cross product when they're perfectly perpendicular to each other. And just to make the analogy clear, when they're perpendicular to each other you've minimized-- or at least the magnitude of your dot product. You can get negative dot products, but the absolute size of your dot product, the absolute value of your dot product is minimized when they're perpendicular to each other. Similarly, if you were to take two vectors that are collinear and they're moving in the same direction, so if that's vector a, and then I have vector b that just is another vector that I want to draw them on top of each other. But I think you get the idea. Let's say vector b is like that. Then theta is 0. You can't even see it. It's been squeezed out. I've just brought these two things on top of each other. And then the cross product in this situation, a cross b is equal to-- well, the length of both of these things times the sin of theta. Sin of 0 is 0. So it's just 0. So two collinear vectors, the magnitude of their cross product is 0. But the magnitude of their dot product, the a dot b, is going to be maximized. It's going to be as high as you can get. It's going to be the length of a times the length of b. Now the opposite scenario is right here. When they're perpendicular to each other, the cross product is maximized because it's measuring on how much of the vectors-- how much of the perpendicular part of a is-- multiplying that times the length of b. And then when you have two orthogonal vectors, your dot product is minimized, or the absolute value of your dot product. So a dot b in this case, is equal to 0. Anyway, I wanted to make all of this clear because sometimes you kind of get into the formulas and the definitions and you lose the intuition about what are all of these ideas really for? And actually, before I move on, let me just make another kind of idea about what the cross product can be interpreted as. Because a cross product tends to give people more trouble. That's my a and that's my b. What if I wanted to figure out the area of this parallelogram? If I were to shift a and have that there and if I were to shift b and draw a line parallel to b, and if I wanted to figure out the area of this parallelogram right there, how would I do it just using regular geometry? Well I would drop a perpendicular right there. This is perpendicular and this length is h for height. Then the area of this, the area of the parallelogram is just equal to the length of my base, which is just the length of vector b times my height. But what is my height? Let me just draw a little theta there. Let me do a green theta, it's more visible. So theta. So we know already that the sin of this theta is equal to the opposite over the hypotenuse. So it's equal to the height over the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is just the length of vector a. So it's just the length of vector a. Or we could just solve for height and we'd get the height is equal to the length of vector a times the sin of theta. So I can rewrite this here. I can replace it with that and I get the area of this parallelogram is equal to the length of vector b times the length of vector a sin theta. Well this is just the length of the cross product of the two vectors, a cross b. This is the same thing. I mean you can rearrange the a and the b. So we now have another way of thinking about what the cross product is. The cross product of two vectors, or at least the magnitude or the length of the cross product of two vectors-- obviously, the cross product you're going to get a third vector. But the length of that third vector is equal to the area of the parallelogram that's defined or that's kind of-- that you can create from those two vectors. Anyway, hopefully you found this a little bit intuitive and it'll give you a little bit more of kind of a sense of what the dot product and cross product are all about.