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Answers to Exploration Questions: Evolution and human health

1. If an outbreak of a disease occurs, why would epidemiologists do a phylogenetic analysis of the microbe to identify its location within a phylogenetic tree? Give at least three reasons.
Answer: Scientists would do a genetic analysis of a microbe for many reasons, such as:
  • To identify whether the microbe is new to science
  • To compare it to existing microbes
  • To track the spread of the disease
  • To predict areas where new outbreaks might occur
  • To understand how the microbe has evolved
  • To develop medication or vaccines
  • To identify potential hosts of new outbreaks
2. Explain how a phylogenetic analysis of a little known snake could help victims of its snakebite. (Hint: Each snake species has a specific venom. An antivenin is a natural substance used to counteract a specific poison, such as the venom of a specific snake.)
Answer: Related snake species have similar venoms, and those venoms likely have similar antivenins. A phylogenetic analysis can help determine which known snakes are most closely related to the lesser-known snake. If scientists know the antivenins for the known snake, they can predict which ones would be most helpful in the case of snakebite from the lesser-known snake.
3.?Give three examples of how evolutionary science benefits human health.
Answer: Some examples of evolutionary science benefitting human health include:
  • Evolutionary science helps public health researchers identify new strains of diseases.
  • Evolutionary science helps agricultural scientists improve crops by refining their traits.
  • Evolutionary science helps scientists track and control invasive species that can harm food and water supplies.
  • Evolutionary science helps chemists identify new ingredients for pharmaceutical drugs.

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